Harbin Ramo

A TechLeap Case Study

Harbin Ramo

“This was the perfect time to put my knowledge to practice. By joining TechLeap, I was able to collaborate in a real project. It is really great to see the project progressing. When I followed Aderson's career recommendations, I started to get lots of opportunities. I wouldn't have been able to find a job if it wasn't for him.”

From International Student to Full-Stack Developer:
How Harbin Navigated Challenges to Secure a Job

Harbin, an international student from the Philippines, graduated in April 2020. Despite his academic achievements, he encountered significant difficulties in securing a job in his field, largely due to his lack of familiarity with the job market in North America and the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Determined to bridge this gap, Harbin sought ways to enhance his technical skills and gain a better understanding of the job market.

Challenges Before Approaching Aderson

  1. Uncertainty on Where to Start:
    Harbin was unsure about how to begin his job search and what steps to take to prepare himself for the job market.

  2. Technical Skills Gap:
    He felt that his existing skills were not aligned with the demands of the job market.

  3. Limited Job Opportunities:
    The pandemic made it difficult to find job opportunities, and his lack of local experience was a barrier.

Searching for Solutions

During the months between his graduation and working with Aderson, Harbin took a part-time job to support himself while spending his spare time searching for online courses and new technologies on platforms like Udemy. However, these self-directed efforts did not provide him with the structure or direction he needed.

Working with Aderson

Harbin joined TechLeap in November 2020. Aderson offered a structured approach to learning new technologies and provided a supportive community of peers and mentors.


  1. Clear Starting Point:
    Aderson provided Harbin with a clear starting point and a structured learning path, focusing on full-stack development using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) stack.

  2. Skill Development:
    Harbin significantly improved his technical skills, particularly in the MERN stack, which aligned with the demands of the job market.

  3. Increased Confidence:
    Being part of the group allowed Harbin to express his ideas and collaborate with others, boosting his confidence.

  4. Networking Opportunities:
    Through Aderson, Harbin was exposed to industry professionals and had opportunities to apply for jobs directly through these connections.

  5. Job Offers:
    After updating his LinkedIn profile to reflect his new skills and experience, Harbin received multiple job offers and interviews, eventually securing a full-stack developer position.

Achievements and Outcomes

  • Technical Mastery:
    Harbin mastered the MERN stack and could add this to his resume, making him more attractive to employers.

  • Employment:
    He successfully transitioned from being unemployed to securing a full-stack developer job.

  • Personal Growth:
    Harbin developed soft skills such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving, which are essential in any job environment.


Harbin highly recommends TechLeap to others due to the comprehensive career support and the collaborative and safe environment it provides. He attributes his success in finding a job directly to the skills and confidence he gained through TechLeap.


Harbin's transformation from a hesitant job seeker to a confident full-stack developer underscores the profound impact of structured mentorship and community support. Initially uncertain and lacking the technical skills and experience needed to succeed,

Harbin's journey with TechLeap enabled him to master the MERN stack and gain the confidence to navigate the job market. This experience not only bridged the gap between his education and employment but also turned significant challenges into opportunities, leading to his successful transition into a full-stack developer role.


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